Friday, May 14, 2010

Working life

Today is the big day - the Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel opens for the season. Alex has been working for the past 2 weeks while I have been in training. Today is the day all the training comes to fruition. I will be at work in 1/2 hour in my tidy polyester maroon and black uniform, my new nametag reading "Amy Oregon" clipped to my collar, and ready to help check in the 100 anticipated guests for opening day. One of Alex's co-workers at the Terrace Grill thoughtfully reminded him that the 100 guests at the hotel will at some point be hungry, meaning his shift today will also likely be busy.

One fun thing for us is the "shakedown" the day before opening of certain venues. Last night was the dining room shakedown, so all employees were invited to the rehearsal dinner in preparation for dinner tonight. I had the seared ahi tuna and would highly recommend it. Alex had the chicken with brie cheese and huckleberry sauce. Our table mates tried out the bison steak and the shrimp pasta with whiskey cream sauce. Yum! We saw only one tray dumped the entire night, fortunately only containing drinks and the bread basket. I also got to go on a "Yellowstone in a Day" bus tour and will go to the Roosevelt Old West Cookout next month, unfortunately, sans spouse.

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