Thursday, March 18, 2010

Vacation illness

What do you do when you're sick for your European vacation?

Shortly after we arrived here, the entire household settled in with a cold. The whole family seems to be handling it well, except for us guests from overseas. Marta still get the boys off to Kindergarden, Bryan still goes to Greece, then Romania, then either Poland or Prague next week. Alex & I have been sleeping, and sleeping, and still sleeping. Blame it on the trip on the plane or the rapid transition from spring to winter (although we now have a return to spring), but Alex & I have desended into sneesing, sniffling, blurry eyed misery. Before we stagger out into another day of staggering around museums, we have the endless debate - do we krawl bak into bed? Do we slowly meander through old world shurshes, staring up at pitures of the Holy Mary with snot running out of our noses? With our trip nearly 1/2 over, our time here is slowly tiking away into missed vistas.

"We're pathetik," Alex says, as we sneese simultaneously.

Note: 2 of the keys on this key board don't work (I'll let you guess whikh ones) and the spellshesk is in German, so I've substituted letters in a feeble attempt to get a similar sound. It's astonishing to find out how the Germans seem to use the last letter of the alpabet a lot more than we do.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear from the snot nosed kids. We are well, and I am fully back to work, though taking this week off and going to California to see my foster sons. Get well and take good pics!!

