Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hello from Munich

This is our 3rd day in Munich's snowing. Apparently, we missed the 60 degree weather. We requested sun and warm weather, but, alas, were greeted with grey days and cold.

Our plane trip was from Portland straight to Amsterdam, then a short flight into Munich. We left Pdx at 12:40 PM, arriving at Amsterdam 3 movies, 2 meals, and 10 hours later, but already the next morning their time. Having not slept, I was left with the feeling that a night of sleep was stolen from me. Where did it go? How can I reclaim the sleep I was denied? Upon arriving at Marta & Bryan's, we were informed that it was their plan to keep us up until the evening - "for our own good", of course. Between a long walk, moments of falling asleep on our feet, and pleading to go to bed, we somehow made it until 7:30 PM, then slept for 14 hours. It worked - we are now on Munich time, although still going to bed with the children and sleeping 10 or so hours. It's a good thing we're on vacation!

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