Monday, October 25, 2010

Rangels in Honduras

Please see the new blog site at:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Where are we now?

We took off from Yellowstone nearly a week ago - it's hard to believe a week has passed already. Somehow, we managed to pack all of our stuff back into our truck and trailer - we definitely brought way too much stuff with us. We made it through our final reviews, room inspection, turned in our IDs and name badges and headed east for South Dakota, starting our round-about trip back to Oregon heading in the wrong direction! Our time in South Dakota was spent visiting some Sun Dance friends and showing Del some parts of the US he'd never seen before - the Badlands, Wall Drug (which closed shortly after we arrived), Mount Rushmore (not my favorite national monument, but that's another story), Crazy Horse, Black Hills, Deadwood (bars, gambling and jewelry stores), Rapid City. It's a little odd travelling through these tourist areas after the tourist season. The attractions are nearly empty of other tourists, the roads are empty of other cars. Many camping areas are closed, making our camping plans somewhat tenuous, but the weather has held out for us, so it's not too cold!

We are currently at the Kimball, Nebraska Public Library, once again making use of the free computers, but our trip to Nebraska is merely passing through to get to Colorado. We are not destined to live in the Great Plains states - maybe a little too much of the wide open spaces.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Goodbye whistle pigs, you early hibenators, already long asleep in your dens.
Goodbye mosquitos, a blessedly short season.
Goodbye Asian kids, returning home after grand trips to San Fran, New York, Las Vegas.
Goodbye co-workers, one by one returning to homes, families, school.
Hello snow?
Goodbye horseback rides and bus tours and cookouts.
Goodbye tourists with unknown faces, checked in and out 100 plus a day.
Goodbye foreigners who don't speak English. "Thank you, goodbye," we say to each other for a lack of anything better.
Goodbye green leaves and sage brush and elk bugling in the middle of the night.
Goodbye to all the young ladies who were entertained by Alex's antics in the Terrace Grill.
Goodbye to bad food, long hours (or short hours, depending on the time of year), and unusual co-workers.
Goodbye Boiling River. We will miss you.
Goodbye Yellowstone National Park.