Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hooray for Public Libraries

Once again, I am sitting with my 1 hour guest pass at a computer in a public library - this time it's the Bozeman Public Library, a beautiful building full of books and public art. When asking Natalie, one of my co-workers at the front desk, how she liked Bozeman, her permanent home city, one of her first comments was, "It has a great library." I was very impressed by her comment as I wasn't sure 20 year olds spent a lot of time at libraries anymore. I'm happy to have been proved wrong!

I may be using more of the library system as Xanterra keeps threatening to start charging us $30/month to use the Internet system at our dorm, despite having promised us free Internet and computer access (which never materialized) as part of our employment benefits. Sigh. I'm sure you all know me well enough that rather than pay the $30/month, I'll end up driving to the Gardiner library during their open hours. I'd like to find out if they have books on Yellowstone to loan out, anyway. I keep plotting to make my blog postings more frequent, but, alas, this may make them more infrequent. Perhaps I'll start a handwritten journal again and pull my blogs from there.

Here's hoping for more postings from the dorm room.....

1 comment:

  1. The last email I read on the subject said that the outside company isn't going to charge for internet until the winter season. I think you're safe.
