Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Good news for Deb

I have failed at washing our clothes in Germany. (Note that the "c" is now working again on the keyboard.) Marta showed me how to use the washer, but it could be that I don't understand most of the words written on the face of it that led to my downfall. Or it could be that the coldest washing temperature that can be selected is 30 degrees. That's Celsius. (For the mathematically inclined, F=(9/5)*C +32, for the not so mathematically inclined, that's 86 deg. F.) What happened to "cold" water for colored clothing?

At any rate, my new Freddies pajamas are now pedal pushers, to put it politely, and other clothes seems just a little short, or a little tight.

Why is this good news for Deb? She inherits the clothing that I shrink in the wash. Could there be a new sweater in her future?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Germany is interesting for you two! At least you get to wash clothes on your trip- I'm not sure we will get to... Opening night of The Tempest went pretty well. Lots of new actors up there. Becki
