Thursday, August 26, 2010

Late Breaking News

Tomorrow, I start my training as a Barista! This all happened at about 5 PM today. The Barista position was posted in the EDR and I left word of my interest about 1 1/2 weeks ago. Negotiations were conducted via email between the Food and Beverage Manager and my Front Desk Manager, interrupted by their opposing days off, as to how much I would work for each department. The Front Desk lost out on the original agreement of a 50/50 split today when Scott (F&B) revealed his true intentions of having me work 30 hours a week. I'm suspecting that I may just be working a lot of hours in the next month and a half, getting pulled between the two departments. However, due to the difficulty in getting a barista job without experience, I think the month and a half will be well spent training needed for getting future coffee house jobs and a step in the right direction for determining if we ever want to get a coffee shop of our own.

I have a lot to learn and it appears I'll have 2 days to learn it. For starters, I have the bad habit of mispronouncing "barista" - not "bar -ee - sta", like the Italians would say it, but I say the "i" more like the i in "it". Also, I have stubbornly refused to learn the sizes of the drinks throughout the years, insisting on ordering my coffees in small, medium, or large (usually small). Is it odd that, although I love a good cup of coffee, and cafe au laits, and lattees, I usually can't drink caffeine because it gives me a headache, and yet I want to be a barista? The other barista that works the days I won't drinks tea, so I guess not.

Alex is busy telling me about his evening motorcycle ride, so I must go. (Note that he hasn't been a guest writer yet.) We have many stories left to tell - my birthday evening, our trip up the Beartooth Highway, our trip to Cody - that I'm hoping to get caught up soon.


  1. I'd like a half caff skinny double shot latte with a bit of cinnamon, please....

    Are there special Yellowstone coffee drinks?


  2. Funny, I get terrible headaches if I DON'T drink coffee. Sounds like a great skill to know.
